About IRCT
The Isle of Rum Community Trust (IRCT) is a company limited by guarantee with charitable status. Established in 2007, the Trust is made up of a Board of Directors from mainly on-island. All Directors volunteer their time.For enquiries about the community trust, crofts, building plots or other general questions about Rum, please feel free to contact us:
Development Officer - Steve Robertson - development@isleofrum.com
Company Secretary and Administrator (Part Time) - Kim Taylor - info@isleofrum.com
By Post: Isle of Rum Community Trust Office, Isle of Rum PH43 4RR
Current Directors
- Ailsa Raeburn - Interim Chair
- Fliss Fraser
- Hywel Lewis
- Lesley Watt
- Colin Kerr
- Lauren Murphy
- Gregor Cushnie - MOWI

Nature Scot (Formerly Scottish Natural Heritage, SNH)
The Nature Scot Reserve Office is in the village on the north side of Kinloch River, follow the signs and look for the big green shed, just beyond the start of the Northside Nature Trail.Website: Isle of Rum National Nature Reserve.
Email: nnr@nature.scot
NS Rum Reserve Officer - Lesley Watt
NS Reserve Office, Isle of Rum, PH43 4RR, UK
Telephone: 0131 314 4181
Office hours: 9am – 5pm Mondays to Thursdays and Friday 9am – 12noon
Isle of Rum General Store and Post Office
Isle of Rum General Store is now owned and run by Stuart and Jennifer and is situated alongside the Village Hall. With an amazing range of goods in stock, you can find just about all your food and drink requirements for your visit Check online for current opening hours. The shop sells a wide range of goods, beers and spirits and always has tea, coffee and good chat available. .Email: info@wildinthewilderness.co.uk
See facebook here

The University of Edinburgh Red Deer Project
The Rum Red Deer Project is based at Kilmory in the north of Rum and employs two researchers who live on island.Webite: Rum Red Deer Project
Email: ali.morris@ed.ac.uk

Rum Bunkhouse
The Bunkhouse manages the 20 bed hostel, two campling cabins and the village campsite.Website: Rum Bunkhouse
Email: rumbunkhouse@gmail.com
WhatsApp messages only: 07824036305